An extremely helpful way to think about it, especially when one considers how easy it is to hide a body in a crowd of 1000 people, how easy to obscure that death and make it appear to be coincidental, how easy to point to the other 999 and say, "See? They're fine."

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Exactly. One of the most frustrating arguments I hear is about how a billion people have already taken it and we'd know if it wasn't safe. Except, we don't because the system isn't designed to figure this out.


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N how they just don't discuss it

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The real crime is the injuries seem to be biased to the young, who have much lower risk from the virus than the older folks who seem to have lower risk from the vax. The crime is forcing the vax on people who don't need it. The growing evidence of crimes against the young will either result in prosecutions of the perpetrators, or the destruction of society.

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Also consider that not all injuries are fatal. Probably many more living with handicaps than dying from them.

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There are people I know that have been permanently disabled shortly after receiving the biologic treatment. One with Lewes that is going to be a horrible death. He does not connect the dots, but he was able to get total disability rather quickly. The Insurance CEO spoke of the disability claims also climbing, and this is going to be more expensive than the life insurance payouts.

The French parliament is debating mandatory vaccines, although they do not call it that, a Vaccine passport. It will be mandatory to do much of anything, with the vaccine passport, negative tests will no longer get you entry. The CEO of a major shopping/grocery company is fine with restricting entry to their stores.

Fortunately I live in an overseas department, and they will not mandate it in overseas departments: riots have erupted in overseas departments over this issue and they had to call in reinforcements from the mainland to restore order. Small saving grace. Here I can go out and about, to stores etc and not wear a mask. I refuse to wear one, and I refuse to test. I have joined in the class action lawsuits against the mandates and the lack of transparency in France. I donate to the funds here to help support workers that have lost jobs over refusing to vaccinate.

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Good for you! I also have not once worn a mask, nor even once taken or given a PCR "test."

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That up the nose stick is invasive and a bit painful. Unfortunately I had to close down my stateside business back in January of 2021. This was because of the covid fear. I could not get sold items crated and shipped out, even offering $50 per hour for labor. I traveled from Reunion to Portland OR, this trip took 66 hours. Of course I had to have the stick up the nose. Stayed for a month in a crowded Extended Stay hotel and sold off all of my inventory and fixtures. Stick up the nose a few times on the return trip, and decided never again.

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I also do not like the hydrogel tip nor the friable fibers at the end, which may be left behind in the nasal membranes. I tell my patients that if they find themselves compelled to test for some reason, then spit on the swab instead. But much better to refuse to comply with such testing.

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From memory: A British dentist obtained three test sets (5 in each) directly from the NHS supplies, and had them lab tested. All the swabs (15) were contaminated.

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The numbers are hidden in the CDC death stats. If you have 50,000 deaths per month of a particular illness (say a heart condition) and add 1,000 per month more, it doesn't "look" like a huge difference even those are real lives. Right now, we're seeing some uptick in the "unclassified" deaths category - see: https://wholistic.substack.com/p/cdc-data-supports-mysterious-40-increase

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Subscribed 👍

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Great way of looking at the numbers. Let's hope that some predictions of future mass death don't come true. If they do, we may use the same analogy and instead of looking around and seeing 2 drop, it may be much, much more horrific. This has to be stopped.

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One per mille (experimental gene intervention) is on equal footing with the worldwide mortality rate for covid-1984, i. e., 0.1%. And that is mostly without proper, early care, but with improper, late hospital treatment instead. As per Dr. McCullough, hospitalizations could be cut down by some 85% using early treatment protocols. Conclusion: Covid is a pale shade of the vax.

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379,000 deaths. Not far from the total number of Americans who died in WWII; considerably more than those who died in battle.


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The sticker shock of Kirsch's numbers end up keeping people away from what could be exactly as subtle as you are illustrating here. I was trying to grapple with it and had to come up with my own goofy paint images. Not saying this is exactly what is happening but trying to make a graphic to hit at what you did with your fire drill.


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Colleen, I like it tenacity n passion for seeking truth in this mess 🏋️🏋️

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Also if you need anecdotal stories - this site is fantastic: https://www.theysayitsrare.com/

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We have family and friends who would not listen to or read all the information around the problems of illness and deaths from those taking the Jab. I've been looking for information about protocols that can be used to treat those who took the Jab and now regret doing so. Is there any protocol that they can follow to at least restore their bodies in part, and get their natural immune systems functioning again?

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Have you looked at vladimirzelenkomd.com ?

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I have looked at his website and listened to many of his recordings. Not finding anything to help. Thanks Colleen.

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Dr Malone has been a voice of calm & reason in a storm. Iow, a true scientist, not a political scientist. He strikes me as politically naive.

He recently wrote that he was just "multi-dimensionally redpilled". That he always thought WEF was a bunch of super-rich partying at Davos. He has been introduced to the reality of WEF, is now considering the possibility of a depopulation program.

Considering that he invented the technology that has been turned into a bioweapon, its not surprising it has taken him some time to begin to understand what is going on.

He started out looking for a treatment/cure for hemophilia. It must be horrifying to see his invention used as an agent of mass murder.

In the meantime, he understands & freely communicates the science & data behind what is going on.

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How does treating Covid patients early make him a snake in the grass?

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Malone's latest position doesn't quite square with that portrayal. Not saying you're wrong, but there's an evolving situation here:


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Ty for this. I take back my "politically naive" & replace it with very aware of the risks he is taking. Happy to see how fully he was redpilled. Will be praying for his safety going forward. And that of his family.

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Malone says a lot here! What would he be gaining by lying? I tend to believe him based on what I am observing with my own eyes.

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I would also add, on the topic of snakes in the grass, look to Alex Berenson. Live broadcast to discuss censorship, specifically of Rogan. 1st question asked, he totally ignores & blindsides Malone with a vicious, unprovoked character attack, essentially calling

him a liar (his claim to have invented mRNA tech is "greatly exaggerated") & then falsely claims there is no evidence ivermectin works. Malone kept his cool, quickly described his credentials & why support for ivermectin.

Next day Malone spells out his creds (long list of papers & patents, with links) & calls Berenson "controlled opposition" on his substack.

Meanwhile, Berenson's substack is on fire from outraged former subscribers cancelling subscriptions & demanding an apology

So what does he do? Triples down on insulting Malone's character, on his substack ... at liberal rag Daily Beast.

My take: Berenson doesn't understand the science, can't analyze data, is in way over his head & out of his league.

So given the opportunity to sit with a great scientific mind, he attacked to try to throw Malone off balance & establish himself smarter & tougher to rebuild cred with his home crowd.


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