Sitemap - 2022 - The Defeat Of COVID

How COVID Vaccines Cause Cancer

Zuby’s Resilience Training

Univ of California Concedes to Health Freedom

How to Not Panic About Viruses

A Work of Art in 93 Seconds

Back-Up for ‘Died Suddenly’

Open Enrollment? I Walked Away

Part 2: Dogma & Anti-Intellectualism - at Universities?

Part 1: Dogma & Anti-Intellectualism - at Universities?

Referendum on Tyranny

Virus hits 7:1 Vaxxed Over Unvaxxed

Predatory Medical Boards Harm Us All

Vaccine Shedding – Canaries in the Mine

Not stopping the spread

“Toxic masculinity” is not as advertised

"A fish can't see the water..."

California’s Assault on the US Constitution

Implosion of COVID mania, Part 2

New Italian PM Rejects Fascism

Meet the Tyrants Who Corrupted Your Doctor

Dr Sues Medical Board that Stole His License

Harvard / Oxford et al Study Finds Hazards of Covid Vax

The Implosion of COVIDmania, Part 1

Is Medicare a Slow-Kill Program?

Top med journals support your exemption

Freeing another child from mask-wearing

Want to stop tyrants from playing doctor?

Outstanding Documentary, and Backup Data

Approaching a Post-Vaccination Era

Vaccine Auto-immune Connection

Skirmish in the Liberty vs Tyranny Arena

Tyranny pilot project . . . at my clinic??

Birth Rates Drop Post Vaccine, WHO's goal coming to fruition

Conscientious Objection for Pharmacists

Dr. Zelenko’s Latest Victory

How to Awaken Hypnotized Parents

Case Closed: A Child is Freed From Vaccine Demands

Religious Exemption, Inside Out

The Unvaccinated Kids Are Alright

FDA’s Betrayal of Children: Short, Medium and Long

FDA Places Children on the Altar

“Are there any vaccines you think are safe?”

Daniel Horowitz Interview: Where is all this cancer coming from?

Thank you x 3, Africa!

Unlikely Amazon Juxtaposition

Vaccine Hazards Book Now on Amazon

10 TO 1, Part 2: Post-Vaccine Pregnancy Failures > Successes

10 to1 Pregnancy Failure to Success

WHO Treaty is a Paper Tiger

V-Day: Time to Stop Funding Nazi Allies

Bodily Autonomy: US Court Cases

Bodily Autonomy – Judicial Precedent

Early COVID Treatments – How They Work

The Old Twitter’s Meanness

Dr. Lyons-Weiler and I discuss Bradford Hill criteria

Mask Microplastics: Have They Arrived to the Lungs?

COVID vaccines under scrutiny

Bradford Hill criteria applied to COVID vaccines

Neither Safe Nor Effective

Neither Safe Nor Effective - The COVID Vaccines Are Hazardous and Should Not Be Used

Vitamin D vs COVID, Parts 4 and 5 of a 5-part series

How much vitamin D is optimal to take? Part 5 of a series

Legal Notice to the WHO: No thanks.

Vitamin D vs COVID: Part 4 of a series

Covid Care About-Face

Vitamin D beats the vaccines against COVID; Part 3 of a series

Brain threat from COVID vaccines

Vitamin D and the human immune system generally; Part 2 of a series

Vitamin D vs Infections, Part 1 of a series

No Lost Sleep Over Nukes

Exemption from fascism

Are witnesses being intimidated?

Would you buy a used car from these companies?

Re-imagine Healthcare

Monoclonal antibodies are not worth the risk

A year ago today, I warned about the COVID vaccines

Do you want a Klaus Schwab world?

MSM discovers masks don't work

Secondary vaccine effects

Don’t take legal advice from laypeople, just legal questions

Breaking? Johns Hopkins just learned 2-year old information on lockdowns

The medical freedom movement, a grassroots view

Vaccinated athletes perform worse than controls

Student athletes perform worse than controls following COVID vaccines

Americans show vaccine fatigue

Heart fatigue from vaccines, as shown by fluid dynamics

Religious exemption language

Trading COVID for heart disease buys you both

Vaccine deaths to date